Greetings from San Francisco! I’m eager to launch this blog and share updates on life in this vibrant city, my works in progress, local literary events, story competitions, and more.

In addition to my own “making stuff” projects, I have two big areas of interest right now. First, I’m sifting through the gamut of resources and opportunities available to authors today. It’s a massive ball of yarn, and I’m a curious little kitten. Thankfully, I’ve made some friends that are equally determined to do something with their writing and gaining insights every day. I’m also diving into a sea of LLM tools, trying to cut through the constant hype. I don’t have a strong argument for or against the use of LLMs, but it exists and we can be good stewards. These models are tools, and they’ll initially benefit writers that already think like designers and engineers. We frequently discuss the comparison of gardeners to architects and pantsers to plotters. It’s not a gigantic leap to adopt a “prompt engineering” mindset; writing teachers do it all the time when they think of prompts to solicit words from us which we then craft for years.

There’s more to come. Stay tuned as I share my continued development as a writer, recommend successful reads, and help pull back the curtain on the writing life. I’m so glad you’re here!